Clay County Police Athletic League:
Some young people in our community grow up with few positive contacts with law enforcement officers. The Clay County Police Athletic League (PAL) provides positive role models for our youth and a drug-free atmosphere in which they can play and learn.
Baseball & Softball
Flag Football
Pop Warner Cheer & Football
Sheriff’s Explorers
Summer Basketball
For more information, please contact Clay PAL Coordinator Deputy Rob Russell at (904)375-2237 or rrussell@claysheriff.com
Clay County Sheriff’s Explorer Post 987:
Clay County Sheriff’s Explorer patchMany outstanding young people in Clay County express an interest in careers in law enforcement, public safety and community service. Clay County Sheriff’s Explorer Post 987 is a great place to start!
Are you a Clay County resident between the ages of 14 and 21? Are you interested in a career in law enforcement? Would you like to train the way real police officers are trained? If you have answered yes to these questions, you are exactly the type of outgoing young person we need.
For more information, please visit ExplorerPost987.com to review eligibility requirements and complete the contact form.