Ninjanastics (4-6 yr, 6-8 yr, 8-12 yr)
Does your little one use your couch like a jungle gym or your swing set like an obstacle course? If so, then this is definitely the class for them. Ninjanastics is a class that mixes gymnastics, tumbling, parkour and the thrill of American Ninja Warrior into a fun program while combining tumbling, climbing, getting through obstacles, and even some flips to increase body awareness, coordination, agility and motor skill levels. After training all session, Ninjas will have their final obstacle course to complete and beat their best time. Every session has a different obstacle course challenge with new goals to reach. Choose between Lil’ Ninjas (4-6 yr), Ninja Warriors (6-8 yr) or Ninja Masters (8-12 yr)
Jan-Mar (10 wk session)
April-May (8 wk session)
June-July (9 wk session)
Aug-Sept (9 wk session)
Oct-Dec (9 wk session)