Enjoy midway fun for the whole family with rides and games for all ages and fair food for every appetite.
Unlimited ride wristbands (for riders 36" & taller) are $37 on site ($35 cash price) or online before 5 pm March 6 for $29, 2/$55 or 4/$99. Ride tickets are also available at the carnival. Pre-sale special: $45/50 tickets + 1 free ride. (Rides take 2 or more tickets each.)
Visit the website for coupons for $5 off regular-price ride wristbands, $5 off a 50-ticket Super Saver Family Pack, and $2 off a $10 food purchase.
Midway hours: 5-10 pm March 6, 5-11 pm March 7, 1-11 pm March 8, 1-10 pm March 9, 5-10 pm March 10-13, 5-11 pm March 14, 1-11 pm March 15- 22, 1-10 pm March 23.