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Orange Park Mall Carnival

  • When: Sunday, March 16, 2025,  1:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Location: Orange Park Mall, 1910 Wells Road, Orange Park, FL 32073
  • Cost: Free admission. Ride cost varies.

Enjoy midway fun for the whole family with rides and games for all ages and fair food for every appetite.

Unlimited ride wristbands (for riders 36" & taller) are $37 on site ($35 cash price) or online before 5 pm March 6 for $29, 2/$55 or 4/$99. Ride tickets are also available at the carnival. Pre-sale special: $45/50 tickets + 1 free ride. (Rides take 2 or more tickets each.)

Visit the website for coupons for $5 off regular-price ride wristbands, $5 off a 50-ticket Super Saver Family Pack, and $2 off a $10 food purchase.

Midway hours: 5-10 pm March 6, 5-11 pm March 7, 1-11 pm March 8, 1-10 pm March 9, 5-10 pm March 10-13, 5-11 pm March 14, 1-11 pm March 15- 22, 1-10 pm March 23.


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