The Clarke House, built in 1912 and located in Clarke House Park, 1039 Kingsley Avenue, is open for tours the ...
This is a FREE group where moms come together for support and to discuss topics such as breast/bottle feeding, postpartum ...
Join MOMS Club for our Halloween open house! We will have a fun-filled morning of costumes, games and prizes. We ...
Get ready to sing, dance, and learn together! Toddler Storytime is designed for children ages 2-3 years old or those ...
Imagine, Design, Create! Join us at the library where your school age child can flex their creative muscles through a ...
Stories, songs, rhymes, games, and crafts will help develop school readiness skills and engage your child's growing imagination. Preschool storytime ...
Wiggle, Giggle, Groove! Bring your little one to stretch, sing, dance, and make some music. Music and Movement is designed ...
Explore, Experiment, Learn! Join us at the library where your school age child can have fun while exploring STEM (Science, ...
Wiggle, Giggle, Groove! Bring your little one to stretch, sing, dance, and make some music. Music and Movement is designed ...
Calling all LEGO® Lovers! Join us for some LEGO® fun, where we will build amazing creations! We also have DUPLO® ...
Join us to learn all about bats! The Clay County Library will join Clay County Parks and Rec for a special ...
Orange Park Trunk or Treat - Sensory Friendly. There will be candy, bubbles, music, and more! Come check us out! ...
Learn about Clay County's wetland ecosystems on a guided tour from one of the Camp Chowenwaw Park naturalists. We’ll meet ...
Come support local and see over 55 vendors while eating some great food. Pet Friendly! Joe Pellegrino with Showcase Entertainment ...
The Town of Orange Park Fall Festival is Clay County’s oldest and largest Arts and Crafts Festival! The Fall Festival ...
Bring the whole family for games, fun and yummy food trucks!! . Share this event with your church, community and friends!
Come enjoy some fall fun at AQUAfin Fleming Island! This Trunk or Treat is a FREE event and open to ALL! Tell ...
Trunk or Treat! Come join us for a spooktacular time filled with fun, games, and candy! Bring a friend and ...
Calling all LEGO® Lovers! Join us for some LEGO® fun, where we will build amazing creations! We also have DUPLO® ...
You are invited to our annual Trunk or Treat. This is a TOTALLY FREE event. Come dressed in your best ...
Bring your kids for an evening of treats, games and costumes.
Celebrate Halloween with candy, costumes, and coffee!